Global Electronic Meetings
If you are concerned about someone’s drinking, you may attend ANY Al‑Anon meeting. While some groups choose to have certain Attendees selected, they will welcome anyone looking for help.
- Meetings are displayed in your local time zone, starting with the next available meeting.
- Use the search box to search by group name.
- If you are in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, or Bermuda, you may be able to find an electronic meeting in your local community here.
- AFG – Al-Anon Family Group
- 24/7 – group does not meet at a specific day and time. These meetings are available all the time via email or private message boards.
- Families Friends and Observers Welcome – meetings open to anyone interested in the Al-Anon program including our professional friends and students.
- Friends and Families Only – meetings closed to observers, anyone affected by someone else’s drinking may attend.
- Use the filter buttons to find upcoming meetings by day, platform, or attendee.
- Many meetings can be joined by clicking the meeting’s blue button. Please read the meeting notes to find the meeting password if one is required.
- Some meetings request you to contact the group directly for meeting information or password. The blue “Email” button allows you to contact groups directly.
This is informational only, and not an endorsement of any mobile device, platform or any mobile app.